En agent dedikeret til at finde dit drømmehjem

As your Buyer's Representative, I can make the process of house hunting much easier and more efficient than if you did it all yourself. I can help you get financing, guide you to local neighborhoods, help you determine your budget, and prioritize a list of essential features that you need in your next home. I'll save you valuable time by finding the properties that best suit your requirements, and will show you only the most promising ones.

Whether you are looking to buy land, a manufactured home, a condo or residencial home, call me, Ann Downing, I can help you.

Once you've found a place that catches your eye, I'll look at comparable properties in the area to help determine a purchase offer. Then I'll negotiate on your behalf with the seller to make sure you get the most favorable terms.

It's my job to look after your best interests, and I will do so at no cost to you as a buyer.


Det kan være svært at lede efter en bolig i dagens konkurrenceprægede marked. Jeg forstår det nuværende marked og som førende i min branche kan jeg hjælpe dig med at finde og købe dit drømmehus til den bedst mulige pris. Sammen finder vi ud af, hvad dit drømmehus indeholder, og jeg finder og viser dig dine drømmeboligmuligheder! SCAN QR-KODEN NEDENFOR FOR AT STARTE SØGNING efter C21-lister. Vil du have ALLE MLS-lister, men i en e-mail, der er skræddersyet til dine behov og sendt på din foretrukne dag/tid hver uge? Kontakt mig

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